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We are a traditional Yoga Festival BUT with a twist…

We aim to come together through Yoga to CONNECT, RECHARGE, to have FUN and GIVE BACK to our community…

Our mission is twofold:
  • To host a diverse yoga festival in our community, taught by renowned yoga teachers, musicians & speakers to equip attendees with tools for managing stress and anxiety in their day-to-day lives.
  • To allocate festival profits to mental health and suicide awareness programs within the Grand Valley.

Saturday, June 1 • 1:15pm - 2:45pm
Mindful Steps: Exploring the Practice of Walking Meditation

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What would it be like to walk with no particular destination in mind? Join Jere to learn about, experience, and discuss walking meditation.

A walking meditation is the practice of walking with awareness and mindfulness, paying attention to each step and the sensations in the body along the way. The goal is not to reach a particular destination, but to be fully present along the way. This helps us to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Walking meditation can be a great complement to sitting meditation, and often is enjoyed by people who find sitting meditation to be challenging. It’s also a great way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life, as you can practice walking meditation while doing your daily activities or out for your daily walk.

NOTE: this venue is outside, be sure to bring sun protection, sunglasses, walking shoes, water, etc. 

Teachers & Presenters
avatar for Jere Friedman

Jere Friedman

Spiral Light Sound & Meditation Center
Jere Friedman, J.D., M.A., CMMI, is an Employee of the Universe – with full benefits! He is a Gongmaster, certified Breathwork Healer, Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor, and founder of Spiral Light Sound & Meditation Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. Jere also holds... Read More →

Saturday June 1, 2024 1:15pm - 2:45pm MDT
Aux Gym
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